My Ideal Writing Space

My Ideal Writing Space

When I think about what my ideal writing space would be, I’m tempted to take the easy way out and say Microsoft Word (or OpenOffice, which is what I currently have on my laptop and is simply a free version of Word). I could go on about familiarity and how long I’ve been using it. But when I really think about it, that’s not really my ultimate IDEAL writing space.

I like the ridiculous number of customizable options for text that Word has, but I also liked ZenPen because it offered an inverted color scheme, which was different from anything that I had seen before. In short, I want plenty of options regarding the text itself. I don’t enjoy having too much black and white in my life, and some kind of combination of Word and ZenPen, with the inverted color scheme option with custom font colors (other than black or white) would definitely pique my interest. That probably sounds like a strange preference to have, but with all of the writing that I’ve been doing this semester with plain, black, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, I want to be able to do more with the words on the screen.

In terms of accessing and saving my work, I would like some kind of combination of the iPad app Pages and GoogleDocs. By that, I mean that I would want to be able to easily transfer documents from the computer I’m using to the web, while also having them automatically update whenever I made changes to either the web version or the version saved to the hard drive. (I’m not entirely sure if that’s possible, but if it is, it would be wonderful.)

I would like my ideal writing space to be able to have different kinds of content, other than just text. Sometimes, incorporating media such as image, video, or audio can really help enhance the writing on the page, by giving the eye more than just words on a page to read.

Ultimately, my ideal writing space would be catered to my needs at any given time, while still giving me plenty of options about how to use that space.